Sunday, November 21, 2010

Krista's UPDATE FROM Saturday

Buenos Dias!
The team met this morning at 3:30am, and then proceeded to go to the airport. The Lord blessed us with a safe trip to the airport, and we boarded our plane to Dallas, Fortworth at about 7:00 am
I just learned that we will be traveling for about 24 hours all together!
This morning before we left we sang “He is able, more then able" and that is what we as a team truly believe. The Lord has already blessed us, and we are so excited to see what he has planned for us!
Psalm 90:12 “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Krista :)

Hello, Hello!
The last time I was outside it was -10 with a foot and a half of snow, 31 hours later WE ARRIVED in Bolivia. It was about 30 degrees, and humid. We were able to get through customs very quickly, and are only missing 2 out of 28 bags, we are hoping those will come tomorrow!
 Sorry for the delay on blog postings, but due to the internet cable being cut in Santa Cruz, we were not able to post this right away.  At this time we are staying at the Radio Trans Mundial (RTM) station, and this is where we will be working for the greater part of our time here. I will keep you posted on the things we are working on also.
God is good, and has kept us all safe and healthy. Were so tuckered out, but after a restful nights sleep, we look forward to start our work tomorrow!

Buenos Noches!
Krista :)

Hace Calor! (Its hot) Yesterday it was about 35 degrees today it is a little bit cooler, but more humid. Everyone is enjoying it here. We started our work projects yesterday. We are dry walling, mudding, painting and making metal trusses for the church roof. We got the 2 bags yesterday that we were missing, and as far as we know, everything we brought down here has made it. Today we are continuing to work, we have almost all of the drywall up in the one house, the trusses are coming along, and we are starting paint coat #2 on the other building!

Krista J


  1. Hey Krista! Thanks for the great newsy updates! According to Dave it is all work and very serious...Now, somehow I can't believe that! We are definitely giving God the glory for the great trip you've had and the blessings you're able to shower on these people. Looking forward to more updates! Stay cool... :)

  2. Greetings to the Bolivian Team - we are praying Psalm 146 for all of you this morning - 'Blessed are you whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them, the Lord, who remains faithful forever. Bless you as you uphold the cause of the oppressed and give food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free, gives sight to the blind, He lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous. The Lord watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked. The Lord reigns forever, for all generations. Praise the Lord.'
    May you accomplish all things, not by might or by power but by the Holy Spirit. Zech 4:6
    May God uphold each of you with good health, energy, safety and unity as you seek to glorify Him with your lives. With prayers of thanksgiving for each one of you, Mary Minken & Edith Bustin
